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Strawberry Fields Forever

Winter in Florida is perfect regardless of how you enjoy it; this year has been exceptionally mild and the thermometer hit upper 80's today! Bessie and I love our rides through the orange groves and strawberry fields of Central Florida; today was no exception. The fragrance from the orange trees and strawberry plants is intoxicating; the back roads through the groves and fields are narrow and you are surrounded by the smell! I travel real slow, stopping frequently on the almost-deserted roads (except for the workers picking the fruit on certain days) and just sit there, Bessie idling, and me inhaling deeply....ahhhhhhhhh. After a couple hours of back roads and fruit smells, I decided it was time for lunch, and I headed back to Polk County. Since Sunday is my 'cheat day,' on my new food plan, I decide a burger and fries are in order - ok, ok, I didn't stop for strawberry shortcake even though I wanted to - so a little burger won't hurt! I'm sitting outside enjoying the burger and the sunshine when a women approaches me and says, 'is that Bloomington Indiana on your back?' And I'm thinking...what!? Then I realize she is talking about my T-shirt, Harley Davidson of course, and it is from the Bloomington Harley shop where I visited last summer. 'Yes, it is." "Oh , we are from Indiana and I was just curious." As it turns out, she is from MARION Indiana, my hometown! She and her husband are in Lakeland visiting friends who are also from Marion. They are all retired TEACHERS. We chatted about the old hometown - they are Breedloves and Coopers - and friends/acquaintances we have in common. The women taught at Kindle (sp?) Elementary, the two men taught at Eastbrook High School (and yes, they knew the Sroufe family!). They were MHS grads from 1963, so a little older than me. We had a nice chat.......its truly a small world and if you don't believe that, travel somewhere. I inevitably run into someone who knows someone who knows someone!


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